Shakeups at Justice Dept. and FBI

By Allan Lengel

Shakeups over at the FBI and Justice Department.

John Carlin, currently Chief of Staff and Senior Counsel to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, is joining the leadership team at the Justice Department’s National Security Division as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Chief of Staff. He’s being replaced at the FBI by Aaron Zebley.

Anita Singh will be joining the leadership team of the Justice Department’s National Security Division as Deputy Chief of Staff and Counsel.

Signh is currently on detail from the Justice Department’s Criminal Division to the White House’s National Security Staff as a Director for Intelligence Programs.

And finally, Donald Vieira, who has served as Chief of Staff at the Justice Department’s National Security Division since March 2009, will soon be leaving the Department to join the partnership of the national law firm, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, the Justice Department said.

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