New Technology Will Enable Law Enforcement Officers to Quickly Analyze DNA Swabs

By Steve Neavling Awaiting DNA results can be frustrating for law enforcement. But the FBI hopes to change that by expediting the process using the government’s new biometric identification database, Biometric Update reports. The FBI is accelerating the collection of DNA profiles for the Next Generation Identification System. Law enforcement officers will be able…

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Federal Review: FBI Lab Rife with Forensic Flaws in 1980s, 1990s

Steve Neavling The FBI and Justice Department have found serious problems at the bureau’s lab that raise serious questions about the guilt or innocence of several thousand people who have been convicted, the Washington Post reports. The investigation began after the Washington Post exposed flawed evidence two years involving microscopic hair matches. “I don’t…

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FBI Finds Errors in DNA Database, Raising Questions of its Fallibility in Court Cases

Steve Neavling The FBI and New York State authorities have found scores of mistaken DNA profiles in the national database, showing that human error is ever-present, the New York Times reports. The FBI found about 170 profiles with probable errors, ranging from handwriting mistakes to interpretation errors by lab technicians. While the findings represent…

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