Steve Bannon Tells McCabe to ‘Leave the Country’ Because a New Trump Administration Will Come After Him 

Steve Bannon at a fundraiser for “We Build the Wall” in Detroit. Photo by Steve Neavling.

By Steve Neavling

MAGA movement zealot Steve Bannon suggested former FBI Director Andrew McCabe should “leave the country” because Donald Trump, if elected, is going to ensure he is arrested. 

On his podcast WarRoom, Bannon was responding to McCabe telling CNN that the intelligence community is worried that Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies. McCabe said law enforcement officials are having “torturous” conversations with their families about whether to leave “the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained.” 

Bannon, who will soon begin serving his four-month contempt of Congress prison sentence, said the “long arm of American justice” will catch McCabe if he leaves the country.

“First off, everything that’s going to be done is going to be by the Constitution, under the rule of law,” Bannon said.

“And McCabe, you should be worried. You should be very worried. But also understand this, brother, we have extradition treaties with virtually every country in the world. And you go ahead and run and run as far as you want. We’re going to come and get you.”

“These are smart people, they know the law. Hell, he was the Deputy [Director of the] FBI, they know the laws they broke. And here’s the thing McCabe, we’re going to have access to everything,” Bannon added. “Oh, these are ‘torturous conversations?’ Well, if you didn’t do anything wrong, then they wouldn’t be torturous conversations.”

Bannon has also said federal agents will be “purged” if Trump is elected to a second term. He also insisted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will be “jailed” after charging Trump with falsifying business records. 

“Judgment Day is five November of this year,” Bannon said. “Accountability day starts on the afternoon of the 20th of January after Donald John Trump takes his hand off the King James Bible, and we go to work.”

Last month, Trump falsely claimed that the FBI agents who searched his Florida home for classified documents last year “were ready to take me out.” 

For a third time in as many days, Trump suggested last week that he may seek revenge on political opponents if he’s reelected. 

“He runs the risk of really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI,” McCabe told CNN. “It’s terrifying. It’s frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are — or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, and may have worked in the Obama administration, other places. And people are really trying to assess like, what is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins a second term?”

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