Court of Appeals Grills Justice Department Over Handling of Barry Bonds’ Steroids Case

By Steve Neavling The Justice Department’s attempt to maintain a criminal conviction against retired baseball slugger Barry Bonds is a swing and miss, several U.S. appeals court judges ruled. Reuters reports that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had serious doubts that Bonds’ testimony about steroids amounted to a crime. “I find your reading…

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Breaking News: Baseball Slugger Barry Bonds Convicted of Obstruction of Justice: Jury Deadlocks on Other 3 Counts

By Allan Lengel A federal jury in San Francisco convicted baseball legend Barry Bonds on Wednesday afternoon of one count of obstruction of justice, MSNBC reported. The jury deadlocked on the other  three counts of perjury involving allegations that  he lied to a grand jury in 2003 about his use of steroids and human…

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