The author is a retired FBI agent with 23 years experience working domestic extremist. He is also the former president of the FBI Agents Association.
By Tom O’Connor

On September 11, 2001, the FBI mobilized teams around the country to investigate the attacks in NYC, the Pentagon in Arlington Va and a field in Shanksville Pa.
Working with hundreds from the first responder community, fire, police, medical and construction, these teams sifted thru debris searching for victim remains and evidence of the attacks. All of these first responders were exposed to toxins which have shown to be deadly.
Thousands have become ill, and almost 3,000 have died from these exposures. The FBI has lost 16 Agents and 1 PSE. Special Agent Lenny Hatton died on 9-11 rescuing people at the towers. Newly retired SA John O’Neil also perished at the towers. SA Paul Wilson, SA Bob Roth, SA Laurie Fournier, SA Jerry Jobe, SA Gerry Senatore, SA Bob Craig, SA Mark Mikuski, SA Steve Carr, SA Wes Yoo, SA Rex Stockham, SA Mark Johnston, SA Dennis Bonelli, SA Melissa Morrow, SA David LeValley, SA Brian Crews, and ET Homer Lewis all gave their lives after responding to the 9-11 attacks.
Please take time to read these names allowed. Remember all of the fallen. The first responder community today are responding in the same way to protect our citizens.
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