A 300-page police report released Friday stated that 20 FBI agents and three others in law enforcement said they heard agents warn Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah to show his hands or they’d send in a police dog, the Detroit Free Press reported.
The report backed the conclusion this week by the Michigan Attorney General, who found agents acted properly.
The imam was shot and killed by agents during a raid on a Deaborn warehouse involving stolen goods. Other law enforcement agents who mentioned teh warnings were from the U.S. Border Patrol, Oakland County Sheriff’s Department and ICE, the Free Press reported.
The paper reported that agents released the dog, which bit him. Abdullah fired three shots in the direction of the agents and the dog, which was killed. No agents were injured. Abdullah was killed after four FBI agents fired 20 times.
The police report said the FBI brought in 14 agents from the elite Quantico, Va. squad known as Hostage Rescue Team to help the Detroit FBI, and three of the four agents who shot Abdullah were from that unit, the Free Press reported.
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