Secret Service Report from 2003 Cites 91 Breaches Since 1980

This report clearly shows the difficulties the Secret Service is up against. The big question is: Is the Secret Service learning and improving from each and every mistake?

secret service photo
secret service photo

By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer

WASHINGTON — Long before a pair of gate-crashers penetrated a White House state dinner, the Secret Service had detailed for its internal use a lengthy list of security breaches dating to the Carter administration — including significant failures in the agency’s protection of the president.

A summary of a secret 2003 report obtained by The Washington Post, along with descriptions of more recent incidents by federal homeland security officials, places Tareq and Michaele Salahi squarely in a rogues’ gallery of autograph hounds, publicity seekers, unstable personalities and others identified by the Secret Service as defeating its checkpoints at least 91 times since 1980.

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