Homeland Security Responds to Post Story on Illegal Immigrants Cleaning Chertoff’s Home

Russ Knocke Department of Homeland Security spokesman WASHINGTON — Every contractor in the United States has the responsibility of ensuring their workers are legal. As customers, the Chertoffs obtained assurances from Mr. Reid that any personnel he dispatched to their home were authorized to work in the United States. As soon as the Chertoffs learned…

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Justice Dept. Refuses to Give Obama Team Classified Legal Opinions Linked to CIA and NSA Programs

No surprise, the Bush administration is reluctant to share classified legal opinions from the Office of Legal Counsel with the Obama team. The big question is: how can they really justify it? Joe Palazzolo Legal Times WASHINGTON — A senior Justice Department official said Tuesday that “99.8 percent” of the department’s work with President-elect Barack…

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Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Responds to Rumors About “Senate Candidate No. 5”

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ve5ERlavHCs By Jon Perkins ticklethewire.com Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. admitted Wednesday that he is “Candidate 5” in the criminal complaint against embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, but vociferously denied offering the governor a bribe either personally or through an emissary for the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama. Jackson said that he met with…

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