U.S. Atty. Fitzgerald Asks Ill. House to Hold Off Subpoenas in Gov Probe

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald may want Gov. Blagojevich out of office, but he doesn’t want the state messing with his investigation. By CARYN ROUSSEAU Associated Press Writer CHICAGO — The Illinois House committee investigating a possible impeachment of Gov. Rod Blagojevich won’t subpoena two incoming White House advisers, the committee chairwoman said Saturday, shutting down…

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Prosecution to Court of Appeals: Enough Delays in Rep. Jefferson’s Public Corruption Trial

Congressman William J. Jefferson has apparently never met a court delay he didn’t like. The prosecution says enough is enough. By Bruce Alpert New Orleans Times-Picayune WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors are asking a Virginia appeals court not to further delay U.S. Rep. William Jefferson’s corruption trial, saying the government “should be afforded an opportunity to…

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