Piece of History: Nixon Talks To J. Edgar Hoover in 1971 About N.Y. Cop Killers and Mocks N.Y. Times
The assessment of the terrorist threats offers no shocking revelations. The forecast comes down to this: Possible scary threats coupled by more scary threats. By EILEEN SULLIVAN Associated Press WASHINGTON – The terrorism threat to the United States over the next five years will be driven by instability in the Middle East and Africa, persistent…
The Gov. Blagojevic scandal is proving to be a thorn in the side for President-elect Obama. Just how messy it will get is unclear. By The Associated Press CHICAGO — An attorney for Gov. Rod Blagojevich has asked the Illinois House committee considering whether to impeach the governor to subpoena more than a dozen witnesses,…
This is one way to avoid a Marc Rich-Clinton like pardon. Yank the pardon before you get hell. By Agence France-Press WASHINGTON – US President George W. Bush on Wednesday rescinded his pardon announced a day earlier of a New York real estate developer, the White House said, after new information came to light about…
If you want to be loved by everyone, don’t become an Inspector General. Folks on the outside constantly want you to crack things wide open. People on the inside avoid you like you’re Bernie Madoff’s best friend. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s internal watchdog won the National Law Journal’s top honor…
Gov. Kaine/official photo Candidates around the country are floating their names and vying for the dozens of U.S. Attorney jobs. In Virginia, the governor may have a particular interest in the Alexandria position. By Jerry Markon and Tim Craig Washington Post Staff Writers ALEXANDRIA — Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine’s brother-in-law is among the candidates…
The Internet has become the wild wild west and Homeland Security wants to be the sheriff. Can the agency pull that off? Is the universe small enough to police? By Thomas Frank USA TODAY WASHINGTON – The Homeland Security Department may soon start scouring the Internet to find blogs and message boards that terrorists use…