U.S. Atty. Firings Bring Back The Bad Old Days of Politics At Justice

The endless controversy surrounding the independence of the federal justice system during the Bush years reared its ugly head again last week. The Justice Department’s Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility issued a blistering report concluding that political pressure led to the dismissals of several federal prosecutors in 2006. As a former assistant U.S….

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ICE Detaining Illegals Too Long In Virginia

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is detaining illegal immigrants in Virginia far too long because, as a judge says, “the system is broken.” By Nick Miroff and Josh White Washington Post Staff Writers WASHINGTON –– Illegal immigrants detained as part of the stepped-up enforcement effort in Virginia stay in the country far longer than they should…

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Justice Releases Details On New FBI Powers

The ongoing yin and yang between law enforcement and civil liberties groups continued to rear its head Friday  as the Justice Department released new guidelines for FBI powers. By Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON– Justice Department officials released new guidelines yesterday that empower FBI agents to use intrusive techniques to gather intelligence within…

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