Man Pleads Guilty in $119 Million HIV Scam

MIAMI – A Miami physician’s assistant pleaded guilty Thursday to defrauding the Medicare program in connection with a $119 million HIV infusian fraud case, the U.S. Justice Department said. Thomas McKenizie, 53,  pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to one count of conspiracy to commit healtcare fraud and one count of submitting false claims, the government…

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Ex-DEA Agent in Atlanta Off To Prison

A college football star and top notch DEA agent took a wrong turn. Now he’s off to prison. BILL RANKIN The Atlanta Journal Constitution ATLANTA – After his college football career, Greg Campion became a decorated law enforcement officer for cracking large-scale drug rings and apprehending high-value suspects. But on Thursday, with some of his…

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After The Fed

It’s been called “Washington’s Brain Drain”, the mass exodus of federal employees heading for retirement. According to the Office of Personnel Management, more than 300,000 federal workers will leave government service in the next five years. Some will retire to the beaches of Florida, others will tee up on the golf courses of North Carolina,…

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