Feds Gearing Up For Biggest Security Event Ever on Jan. 20

Security issues are nothing new to Washington, which has seen every type of demonstration and gathering possible. Still, this presidential inauguration is being treated differently. By Mary Beth Sheridan Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — Authorities are organizing what appears to be the largest security operation ever for an inauguration, bringing in thousands of extra…

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Breaking News: NBC Reports that Gov. Bill Richardson Withdrawing Name for Commerce Sec. Because of FBI Probe

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON – New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has withdrawn his nomination as Commerce secretary because of a pending FBI investigation into a major political contributor who landed lucrative state contracts , NBC reported Sunday afternoon. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reported that Richardson concluded that the probe would delay his confirmation and he…

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Mexico Extradites 10 Drug Traffickers to U.S.

The U.S. continues its aggressive campaign against drugs in Mexico, but the killing and trafficking continues. Here’s the latest on the war on drugs. By Julie Watson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEXICO CITY – Mexico sent 10 drug-smuggling suspects to the United States on Wednesday, capping an already record year for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration…

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