Dem Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu Says She’ll Back Republican U.S. Atty. Letten’s Bid to Stay On

The Senator had been hinting for months that she would back the current U.S. Attorney. The Obama administration has said that it won’t simply replace U.S. Attorneys because they were appointed by a Republican. So far, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago is the only Republican-appointed U.S. Attorney who has been told he can stay…

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Ex-Homeland Chief Michael Chertoff Praises Obama’s Security Measures

It’s refreshing to see a former Bushee voice an independent opinion that is not steeped in bitterness or total partisanship. By The National Journal In a recent interview with, former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff differed with two of his Bush administration colleagues — backing away from statements by former Vice President Dick…

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