Ex-Fla Judge Pleads Guilty to Fed Charges of Bank Fraud Involving Home he Bought With Stripper

As a judge, one of the words you probably don’t want associated with your legacy is “stripper”, or for that matter “fraud”. Unfortunately, for Fla. Appeals Court Judge Thomas Stringer, those words will forever stick with him. By Colleen Jenkins St. Petersburg Times TAMPA – Former appeals Judge Thomas E. Stringer Sr. has agreed to…

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Big Name Criminal Defendants Are Popping Up on Facebook and Twitter

Back in the day high-profile criminal defendants and their supporters had to rely on the mainstream media to vent and spin their story. Not anymore. Now there are Facebook pages for defendants or their fans for such notables as Barry Bonds, Bernie Kerik, Rod Blagojevich and Jack Abramoff. Some defendants like Kerik are even tweeting on Twitter. Reporter Rachel Leven examines this phenomenon.

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Defense Rests Case in ex-Rep. William Jefferson Trial: Closing Arguments Set for Tues.

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire Next Stop: Closing Arguments. The defense for ex-Rep. William Jefferson rested its case Thursday, opening the door for closing arguments, which are scheduled for Tuesday, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported. The defense and prosecution will each have  2 1/2 hours to argue before the jury of eight women and four men…

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