Controversy Stirring Over Who Will Speak for 9/11 Terror Trial Defendants

By Allan Lengel A controversy has emerged over who will speak for 9/11 defendants in the controversial New York trial. Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff reports that “New York defense lawyer Scott Fenstermaker has made big headlines in recent days after telling The New York Times that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four accused 9/11 co-conspirators…

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FBI Probing Las Vegas Hospital for Leaking Info to Ambulance Chasing Attorneys

By Allan Lengel Ambulance chasers beware. The FBI is probing allegations that someone at the University Medical CenterĀ  in Las Vegas released confidential information aboutĀ  traffic accident victims to personal injury attorneys hunting for new clients, Courthouse News Service reports. “Our main concern right now is to conduct a thorough and professional investigation for…

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