Justice Dept. Quietly Transfers Two Integrity Section Prosecutors Tied to Tainted Case Involving Alaska Lawmakers

The Justice Department should be applauded for such action. No action would send a signal that this isn’t a big deal — and it is. By Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — Justice Department leaders quietly transferred two career prosecutors under fire for their work in Alaska corruption cases out of the department’s…

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FBI Dir. Mueller Says Agency in “Dire Need” to “Consolidate and Digitize Records”

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said Thursday that the agency is in “dire need of a Central Record Complex” to consolidate and digitize records “now dispersed among 265 FBI locations worldwide.” The central records complex, he said, “will enable us to efficiently locate and access all of our…

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Outspoken Ex-FBI Agent Colleen Rowley Says FBI Could Have Done More to Try and Stop Abortion Dr. Killing

Opinions vary on whether the FBI could have stopped this from happening. But outspoken ex-FBI agent Colleen Rowley of post-9/11 fame, seems to think the agency could have at least tried harder. Is she right? By Zachary Roth TPMmuckraker We told you earlier about questions over whether the FBI responded aggressively enough to detailed information…

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