Prosecutors Recommend Probation for FBI Agent Mark Rossini Who Leaked Document to Actress Linda Fiorentino

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON – Ex-FBI agent Mark Rossini, who was busted for leaking a confidential FBI document to his lover, actress Linda Fiorentino, should get probation instead of prison time, federal prosecutors said in a court filing here. ” As a result of admitting this violation, the defendant has already resigned from the…

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Hundreds of Employees Gather to Commemorate the Deaths of 54 FBI Agents Killed In the Line of Duty

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Hundreds of employees and a host of Washington luminaries including the current and former FBI directors gathered Tuesday at FBI headquarters to commemorate the deaths of 54 agents killed in the line of duty. “We come together today because we have not forgotten the cost of freedom. We have…

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