Atty. Gen. Holder Assures Federal Judges He’ll Upgrade Professionalism at Justice Dept.

In recent months, federal judges have chastised federal prosecutors around the country including in Washington, Miami and Montana. The newly minted Atty. General Eric Holder Jr. has vowed to address this. Joe Palazzolo The National Law Journal WASHINGTON — In his first confab with the nation’s chief federal district judges, Attorney General Eric Holder Jr….

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Dozens of U.S. Attorneys Remain: How Bi-Partisan Should Administration Be When Deciding Whether to Replace Them?

The Obama administration is faced with a tough challenge: trying to look bi-partisan when it comes to serving up justice while taking advantage of all the political plums available. By Mary Jacoby Main Justice WASHINGTON — In March, the Washington Post reported that several highly political Bush-appointed U.S. Attorneys were seeking to stay in their…

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The Debate Continues: Ex-CIA Agent Robert Baer Says Torture Doesn’t Work

A former CIA analyst recently attacked FBI Director Robert Mueller For saying torture doesn’t work.  Well, ex-CIA agent Robert Baer apparently agrees with Mueller. We know we wouldn’t have to torture Dick Cheney to get his opinion on this. httpv:// More Stories of Interest First Female Solicitor Gen. Elena Kagan Talks About Her New Job…

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