Homeland Sec. Janet Napolitano to Get Tough at Canada Border

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zqlUMjF8CU OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST FBI Arrests 2 Fla. Law Enforcement Officers on Drug Trafficking Charges (Miami Herald) Rep. Jane Harman Denies Wiretap Report (L.A. Times) FBI Investigating Attempted Blackmail of College Coach Rick Pitino (AP) Ex-Gov. Blago Back in Fed Court Tuesday (AP) Ex-NFL Player Pleads Guilty to Fraud in Fed Court in N.Y. (AP)…

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Attys For Ex-Rep. William Jefferson Accuse Justice Dept. of Editing Recorded Conversations to Give “Misleading Impression”

The legal maneuvering in this case continues as trial approaches. So far, Jefferson’s attorneys haven’t been able to derail the case despite their best efforts. By Bruce Alpert and Jonathan Tilove New Orleans Times-Picayune WASHINGTON — Attorneys for former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson say the Justice Department has edited secretly recorded conversations to give a…

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Senate Confirms Justice Dept. Nominees Lanny Breuer, Tony West & Christine Varney

As expected, the Senate gave the nod to the latest Justice Department appointees.  By Mary Jacoby Main Justice WASHINGTON — After minimal debate, the Senate this evening quickly confirmed Lanny Breuer as Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division; Tony West as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division, and Christine Varney as Assistant Attorney…

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Prosecutors Need More Accountability

Some believe that prosecutors are the most powerful figures in the criminal justice system. Many of their decisions are virtually unreviewable: charging, case disposition, dismissals, plea bargains, and sentence recommendations, to name a few. Local and State prosecutors can be held accountable to the voters.. But given the power of incumbency, that checks and balance…

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Congrats to the 2009 Pulitzer Prize Winners, Particularly Schaefer and Elrick at the Detroit Free Press

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — It goes without saying, the media and law enforcement don’t always see eye to eye. But there are certainly plenty times when the media, like law enforcement,  works for the good of the public, unearthing injustice, exposing criminal wrongdoing. The Pulitizer Prizes are one way of acknowledging some of the…

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