Administration Gives Mixed Signals on Immigration Policy

By Chris Battle Security DeBrief WASHINGTON — By federal government standards, there has been a veritable frenzy of activity related to immigration at the Department of Homeland Security. With three high-profile appointments in the last couple of weeks, the Administration has sent mixed signals about the direction it intends to take on immigration policy from…

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Homeland Sec. Napolitano Says Helping Mexico Fight Drug Cartels Demands “Utmost Attention”

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano recognizes the threat of violence from the Mexican drug war poses for the U.S., particularly for border states like Texas and Arizona. By Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — Aiding the Mexican government’s fight against drug cartels is a top priority that demands the “utmost attention” of…

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Ex-Banker Indicted For Bribery in a Case With Links to Ex-Congresman William Jefferson

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — An ex-official of the Export-Import Bank of the United States in Washington was indicted on charges of taking a $100,000 bribe from Nigerian businessmen in connection with a Kentucky high-tech firm linked to Rep. William Jefferson and his public corruption case. According to an indictment unsealed Wednesday, Maureen Njideka…

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