Man Hanged Self In Va. Jail Hours Before Pleading in Fed Court to Child Porn Charges

Don Douglas was just one of the scores of people nationwide facing child pornography charges. The Internet has opened opportunties never seen before. By Jerry Markon Washington Post Staff Writer ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A 40-year-old Springfield man killed himself just hours before he was scheduled to plead guilty in federal court on child pornography charges,…

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A Detroit Reporter Comments on a Colleague’s Refusal to Disclose Federal Sources

In Detroit, a battle has been simmering between a former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino and Pulitzer Prize winning reporter David Ashenfelter. Convertino wants to know who leaked information about him to Ashenfelter, who is now taking the Fifth. By Sandra Svoboda News Hits staff/Detroit Metro Times DETROIT — Let’s get this out right from…

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Sen. Judiciary Confirms Holder 17-2; Next Stop: Full Senate Where It Looks Like a Sure Thing

In the end, the judiciary vote was pretty overwhelming. But Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex) was in the minority, delivering some stinging remarks about Holder. By Randall Mikkelsen Reuters WASHINGTON – A Senate committee voted to approve Eric Holder to be the first black attorney general, sending his nomination on Wednesday to the full Senate, which…

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Two Pa. Judges Plead To Corruption Charges; Feds Say Probe Ongoing

Some how we’re rarely shocked by news of a crooked politician. But crooked judges? That’s just still hard to swallow. Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania, more courthouse indictments could be forthcoming. MICHAEL RUBINKAM The Associated Press SCRANTON, Pa. – Two Pennsylvania judges agreed Monday to plead guilty to fraud charges accusing them of taking $2.6 million in…

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