FBI May Have Recorded Up to 50 Conversations Between Gov. Blagojevich and Brother

It appears Gov. Rod Blagojevich isn’t the only family member facing more embarrassing moments. The FBI apparently recorded dozens of conversations between the Gov and his brother Robert. BY NATASHA KORECKI Chicago Sun-Times CHICAGO — The governor’s brother, Robert Blagojevich, now says he was probably caught on secret government wiretaps as many as 50 times….

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Senator Judiciary Delays Confirmation Vote on Eric Holder Until At Least Wed. Afternoon

WASHINGTON — CNN reports that the Senate Judiciary’s confirmation vote for Atty. General designate Eric H. Holder Jr. has been delayed until at least Wednesday afternoon. A Judiciary Committee spokesman told CNN that the committee’s senators wanted to attend the national prayer service Wednesday morning at Washington’s National Cathedral. The President is attending the service. …

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