Inauguration Goes Off Without Glitches Despite Intelligence Reports That A Radical Somalia Group Might Try to Disrupt It

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON – The most security-intense inauguration of our times went off without apparent glitches Tuesday, even in wake of intelligence reports of a possible threat from an East Africa radical Islamic terrorist group. The Associated Press reported that law enforcement and intelligence officials got word that a Somalia-based group, al-Shabaab, might…

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Tex. U.S. Atty. Sutton Praises Bush Decision to Cut Border Agents’ Sentences But Keep Conviction

U.S. Atty. Sutton/doj photo By Allan Lengel In a carefully worded statement, Texas U.S. Atty. Johnny Sutton  Thursday night praised Pres. Bush for cutting two Texas Border Agents’ sentences, but upholding their convictions  for shooting and wounding  a Mexican drug dealer and covering up the incident. “Today, the President exercised his power under the…

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FBI Agent Stephen Tidwell Who Worked on D.C. Sniper and 9/11 is Calling it Quits After 25 Years

After 25 years and investigations that have included the D.C. snipercase and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, FBI agent J. Stephen Tidwell is calling it quits. By LISA BEISEL Annapolis Capitol Crofton resident J. Stephen Tidwell has had an exciting career with the FBI since 1983. He currently holds the bureau’s fourth-highest position, and during…

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