Blackberries, Satellite Phones, Gmail: Terrorist Tools in the 21st Century

Satellite phones and caves. Blackberries and 8th Century ideology. Welcome to terrorism in the 21st century. By Kathy Shaidle Following the Islamic terror attack in Mumbai, India in November, it was revealed that the tech-savvy terrorists used BlackBerries and Google Earth satellite-imaging to plan and carry out their atrocities. It was the latest example…

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Obama Pick for Office of Legal Counsel is Harsh Critic of Bush Admin. Interrogation Tactics

Obama is making some key legal appointments who are likely to reverse many substantial and controversial Bush policies. Here’s one of those people. By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times WASHINGTON – When Dawn Johnsen read a newly disclosed Justice Department legal opinion last April that blessed the president’s broad power to authorize rough interrogation tactics,…

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