Atty Gen. Eric Holder Favors Modifying Miranda Warning to Give Interrogators More Flexibility

By Allan Lengel Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. holder hit the Sunday morning talk show circuit, saying he favors a change in the way Miranda warnings are issued to terror suspects so interrogators have more flexibility. “I think we have to think about perhaps modifying the rules that interrogators have and some how coming…

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Column: ATF Needs a Little Love in Times Square

By Jeff Stein SpyTalk WASHINGTON — Poor ATF: It don’t get no respect. NYPD’s Ray Kelly, Attorney General Holder and DHS honcho Janet Napolitano all heaped praise on themselves and each other for their fabulous work in the Times Square bomb case. But the ATF? Nada. Out of sight, out of mind, evidently, overlooked like…

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Weekend Series on Crime: History of the NY and Chicago Mob

httpv:// WEEKEND STORIES OF INTEREST Lawyers for Hedge Fund Billionaire Wants FBI Wiretaps Tossed (NY Times) FBI Busts Suspected Pimp In Lawrence Taylor Case (Asheville Citizen-Times) FBI Team Arrives in Pakistan (Washington Post) A Quiet Night Until Agents Saw Faisal Shahzad’s Name On the List (LA Times) NY Cigarette Dealer Gets 10 Years in Fed…

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