Ex-Mexican Gov. Extradited to U.S. For Taking Bribes From Drug Cartel and Laundering $19 Mil Through Lehman Brothers Accounts

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The ex-Governor from the Mexican state of Quintana Roo was extradited to the U.S. on charges of accepting million of dollars in bribes to help the violent Juarez Cartel dump tons of cocaine into the U.S. , and of laundering $19 million in drug proceeds through Lehman Brothers accounts, the U.S….

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Let the Games Begin: President Officially Nominates Solicitor Gen. Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

By Allan Lengel ticklethe wire.com Let the games begin. With the smiling nominee flanked to his left, and his vice president to his right, President Obama on Monday morning announced the nomination of Solicitor General Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court. Heaping superlatives upon superlatives, he called her a “superb” Solicitor General and said she…

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Atty Gen. Eric Holder Favors Modifying Miranda Warning to Give Interrogators More Flexibility

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. holder hit the Sunday morning talk show circuit, saying he favors a change in the way Miranda warnings are issued to terror suspects so interrogators have more flexibility. “I think we have to think about perhaps modifying the rules that interrogators have and some how coming…

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