FBI Warns “Video Girl” Barbie Has Potential for Child Porn

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayxHcnRf5ik OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST Jury Deliberations Continue in New Orleans for Cops in Post-Katrina Fatal Shooting (AP) Ex-Congressional Candidate Guilty of Obstruction of Justice (AP) Ex-Pastor Off to Prison for Duping Investors (AP) Judge Rules Jury Can See Video in Uzi Death (AP) Two DOJ Lawyers Recommended for D.C. Superior Court (Main Justice)

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Navy Sailor in N.C. Arrested for Selling Classified Documents to Undercover FBI Agent

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com In this turbulent era of WikiLeaks, this hardly seems shocking. Authorities are alleging in a search warrant that a Navy sailor based at Fort Bragg passed classified documents to an undercover FBI agent posing as a foreign intelligence agent, the Associated Press reports. In exchange, he was given cash. AP reported…

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Hundreds Charged in Crackdown on Investment Fraud

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — A 3 1/2 month operation involving the  nation’s “largest ever” crackdown on  financial fraud,  has resulted in the arrest of hundreds of people who swindled investors out of  billions of dollars, the Justice Department announced Monday. Dubbed “Operation Broken Trust”, authorities said they have taken criminal action against 343…

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