Atty. Gen. Holder Continues to Push Back Against Military-Only Trials for Terrorists

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. continues to bark back at critics who want all foreign terrorism suspects to be prosecuted in military courts. In a speech Thursday in Washington he said proposed legislation in the Senate to require such a policy would “seriously harm our national security”, the Washington…

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Wrongfully Accused Anthrax Suspect Steven Hatfill Breaks Silence: “Now I really Don’t Trust Anything”

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — Steven J. Hatfill, the scientist wrongfully accused of being the anthrax killer, has broken his silence in interviews with NBC’s “Today” show and The Atlantic magazine. “I learned a couple things,” Hatfill told “Today” host Matt Lauer this morning. “The government can do to you whatever they…

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Is Today’s Anti-Government Movement Similar to the Pre-Oklahoma Bombing Era?

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON –– Is  the Tea Party and other anti-government movements mirroring  the sentiments of the nation before the Oklahoma bombing 15 years ago? USA Today reports that some see parallels. “It feels a lot like the run-up to Oklahoma City,” Mark Potok, Intelligence Project director at the Southern Poverty Law Center,…

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Ex-National Security Agency Official Indicted on Charges of Leaking Info to Baltimore Sun Reporter

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — An ex-high ranking National Security Agency official has been charged with allegedly leaking classified information to a national newspaper in 2006 and 2007, the Justice Department announced Thursday. Authorities indicted  Thomas A. Drake, 52, who headed an office in the NSA’s signals intelligence and engineering directorates at Fort Meade…

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