Grandma Led 3-Generation Drug Ring

By Allan Lengel For AOL News Nancy Bell is not your typical grandma. Just ask the feds and the sheriff’s department in Lee County, Va. Authorities say the 64-year-old Tennessee grandmother, who suffers from heart ailments, and her daughter Iris Gibson, 45, and granddaughter Misty Parker, 23, illegally trafficked in OxyContin. The powerful narcotic painkiller…

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Former Secret Service Agent Alfred Wong Who Supervised Installation of Taping System in Nixon White House Dies at Age 91

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Alfred Wong, a former Secret Service official who reportedly oversaw the installation of the taping system at the Nixon White House, and whose job at one point was to prevent the White House from being bugged, died last week of mesothelioma, a form of cancer, the Washington Post reported….

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