Detroit U.S. Atty. Barbara McQuade Launches Media Leak Probe in Corruption Investigation

By Allan Lengel U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade in Detroit announced Thursday that she’s launched an internal inquiry into “recent disclosures of information to the press regarding federal public corruption investigations.’ McQuade asked investigating agencies to conduct similar internal inquiries, according to a press release issued by her office. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and…

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Fed Judge Rules the Govt. Illegally Wiretapped Islamic Charity and 2 Lawyers

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — A San Francisco federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the government illegally wiretapped phone conversations of an Islamic charity and two American lawyers without a search warrant, the Associated Press reported. AP reported that U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker found the plaintiffs provided evidence to show “they were…

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“One of a Kind” James Cavanaugh –Head of ATF’s Nashville Office — Retires

By Allan Lengel During his colorful career with ATF, which spanned more than three decades, James Cavanaugh found himself in the thick of some of nation’s biggest cases: The D.C. sniper murders, the Unabomber, white supremacist Eric Rudolph, church burnings and the deadly shootout at the Branch Davidian in Waco, Tex. involving leader David…

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Feds Probe Shenanigans at Baltimore Docks

There’s a lot of commerce that flows through the bustling docks of Baltimore. And there’s a lot of shenanigans as well. Baltimore City Paper investigative reporter Van Smith takes a look at some of the questionable activity the feds are probing. By Van Smith Baltimore City Paper BALTIMORE — The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), the…

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