Calif. FBI Agent Agrees to Plead Guilty to Illegal Access of FBI Records, Court Document Shows

By Allan Lengel A veteran California FBI agent who investigated white collar crimes has agreed to plead guilty to illegally accessing FBI files to help an acquaintance collect a debt, according to court records. A plea agreement filed by the U.S. Attorneys Office in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, Calif.  said that agent…

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Feds Indict 9 Christian Militia Members on Charges of Conspiring to Kill Law Enforcement Officers

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire Nine suspected members of a Christian militia were indicted in Detroit on charges of conspiring to kill law enforcement officers, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Monday. Authorities charged that six Michigan residents, two from Ohio and one from Indiana plotted, according to one plan,  to kill an unidentified law enforcement officer…

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Fed Agents Going Undercover on Social Networks like Facebook

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — A Justice Department document asks the simple question: Why Go Undercover on Facebook, MySpace, etc.? Then it goes on to explain: “Communicate with suspects/targets” … “gain access to non-public info” … “map social relationships/networks.” The document, part of a Justice Department PowerPoint presentation, shows how some federal…

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Stomach Turner: FBI Investigating Ex-Official of Impovervished Detroit School District For Allegedly Diverting $57 Million

By Allan Lengel In Detroit, where the unemployment is very very high, and the city suffers from serious deficits, comes the latest news about the ailing school district that is guaranteed to turn stomachs. The Detroit Free Press reports that the FBI is looking into a former department chief at Detroit Public Schools and…

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President’s Picks to Run TSA Keep Imploding After Running into Controversies

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The attempted bombing on Christmas Day in Detroit was a reminder of the importance of airport security and the need for someone to lead the Transportation Security Administration under the Obama administration. Problem is, the last two Presidential nominees have imploded on the administration. Washington Post reporter Robert O’Harrow…

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