FBI Dir. Robert Mueller Defends Handling of Christmas Day Bombing Incident in Detroit

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III on Wednesday found himself defending the handling of the Christmas day bombing attempt in Detroit — this time before a Congressional committee. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., told Mueller he would have preferred that a team of interrogation experts had been brought to Detroit…

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Napolitano Freezes Funding for Trouble-Plagued Virtual Fence Along Southwest Border

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The fate of the once-touted virtual fence designed to protect the Southwest border along Mexico is in doubt. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced Tuesday that she was freezing additional funding and work on the uncompleted virtual fence that was supposed to stretch across 2,000 miles of border. She…

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Column: U.S. Consulate Deaths in Mexico Reminder We Have No Permanent Leadership at DEA, ATF, Border Protection

Chris Battle, a former Congressional aide, also worked as Director of Public Affairs for the Department of Homeland Secuirty,  chief of staff  for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and  Director of Congressional and Public Affairs for the DEA.  He is currently vice president of the Adfero Group. By Chris Battle Security DeBrief WASHINGTON —…

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