Anthrax Suspect’s Atty. Doubts FBI Case and Says “I Never Had a Client Commit Suicide – It’s a Terrible Experience”

By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — Just weeks before government scientist Bruce Ivins’ suicide, a grand jury was convening on the third floor of the federal courthouse, near the U.S. Capitol, looking into the 2001 anthrax murders. Things weren’t looking good for Ivins, the only suspect in the case. It was July 2008….

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Feds Charge Colombo Crime Family Members in Kickback Scheme at Ground Zero

By Allan Lengel The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn continues to chip away at the Colombo crime family. On Tuesday, the office announced the indictment of eight people tied to the notorious crime family on charges including fraud and extortion linked to the World Trade Center. The indictment alleges that the Colombo-controlled trucking company…

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Calif. Man Charged With Taking Exams for Foreign Students From Such Nations as Saudia Arabia and Kuwait

By Allan Lengel An Orange County, Calif. man has been charged with running a massive visa fraud scheme that involved taking exams for students from counties like Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Kuwait, Turkey and Qatar so they could maintain their lawful immigration status, authorities said Monday. Eamon Daniel Higgins, 46, of Laguna…

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