Dems and Watchdog Groups Want Justice Dept. to Investigate Missing Emails from Bush Lawyers

By Allan Lengel Where are the missing emails from Bush lawyers blessing harsh interrogation tactics? Inquiring minds want to know. The Washington Post reports that senior Democrats and watchdog groups on Friday asked the Justice Department to investigate the disappearance of what could be key emails. The paper reported that some are saying the…

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Ex-Cong. Jefferson’s Sister and Niece Plead Guilty in Corruption Case

By Allan Lengel The New Orleans political dynasty headed by disgraced ex-Congressman William Jefferson and his brother Mose Jefferson, the political operative, continues to crumble. The New Orleans Times Picayune reports that less than a month before trial, the ex-Congresman’s sister Betty Jefferson,70, a 4th District Assessor, and her daughter Angela Coleman, 53, pleaded…

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