Some Doing Better Than Others After Congressman Jefferson Scandal

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — A little more than a year after being sentenced to 13 years in prison for bribery, ex-Rep. William Jefferson of money-in-the-freezer fame, remains free pending an appeal. And while the former New Orleans Democratic Congressman remains free, nothing will reverse the mess that resulted from what “federal prosecutors called…

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Rep. Peter King Urges Atty. Gen. Holder to Go After WikiLeaks; Holder Says There’s “Active, Ongoing Criminal Investigation”

Update: Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. said the Justice Department will prosecute anyone found to have violated U.S. law in the leaks, the Associated Press reported.”To the extent that we can find anybody who was involved in the breaking of American law, who put at risk the assets and the people I have described, they…

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