Undercover FBI Agents Bust Retired Border Patrol Agent for Selling Uniforms on Craigslist

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Some times making a little extra doe on Craigslist isn’t so wise. Retired Border Patrol agent David Pietrantonio has been charged in San Diego with selling official equipment to undercover FBI agents, the Associated Press reported. He had pleaded not guilty on Wednesday. AP reports that Pietrantonio tried to sell “a…

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Mistrial Declared in Detroit Public Corruption Case After One Juror Holds Out on Conviction

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The corruption case against ex-Detroit City Council aide and political consultant Sam Riddle ended in a mistrial Wednesday after one juror refused to convict, the Detroit News reported. The government said it will retry the case. “On the steps of the federal courthouse, angry jurors said the holdout refused to deliberate…

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Nail Biting Continues in Detroit: Deliberations Enter 6th Day for Ex-Council Aide to Cong. John Conyer’s Crooked Wife

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The nail biting continues in Detroit where a federal jury on Wednesday is set to enter its sixth day of deliberations in the trial of Sam Riddle, an outspoken  former city council aide accused of shaking down business people along with his ex-boss, Council member Monica Conyers, wife of Congressman John…

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Feds Don’t Want Attys For Right Wing Shock Jock to Mention That he Was an FBI Informant in 2nd Trial

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Fed prosecutors will take a second bite out of the apple next month and retry New Jersey right wing shock jock Hal Turner for allegedly threatening three appeals court judges in Chicago through inflammatory comments on his blog. But this time prosecutors are asking the judge to bar Turner’s attorneys from…

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