Website Challenges Conservative Columnist Over the Firing of a D.C. FBI Agent

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The news website TPMmuckraker is challenging an assertion by conservative columnist Frank Gaffney in a recent op-ed pieceĀ  that D.C. FBI agent John Guandolo lost his job because of fierce opposition to radical Islamic ideology, not because he was sleeping with a key witness in the ex-Congressman William Jefferson…

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Justice Dept. Probe Calls for Reforms for Inglewood Police’s Use of Force Policies

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The Justice Department “has found significant flaws in the way Inglewood police oversee use-of-force incidents and investigate complaints against officers” and has proposed a list of reforms, the Los Angeles Times is reporting. The paper reported that the ongoing Justice Department probe found the department’s use of force policies…

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