Pentagon Hosted al Qaeda Operative for Lunch

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — At the Pentagon, just across the Potomac, this lunch guest was one of the more unusual ones. The Pentagon confirmed that radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born al Qaeda operative now on a U.S. kill-or-capture list, had lunch at the Pentagon after the Sept. 11, attacks as part…

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Fed’s Cases Against Blackwater “Beginning to Fall Apart”, NY Times Reports

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Blackwater Worldwide, the security firm that became a toxic symbol of America in Afghanistan and Iraq, may be getting a bigger break than it ever imagined. James Risen of the New York Times reports that after nearly four years the federal government’s investigations and prosecutions against the Blackwater Worldwide…

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IG Report Highly Critical of FBI’s Sentinel Computer Project; FBI Calls Report Unfair

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — A Justice Department’s Inspector General report released Wednesday sharply criticized the FBI for its handling of a yet to be completed case management system  that will convert the agency’s criminal records from paper to computers, saying it is still fraught with problems including cost overruns.  The report also expressed…

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