Court Orders SEC to Reinstate Insider Trading Allegations Against Mark Cuban Who Ironically Bank Rolls Investigative Website on Securities Fraud

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Perhaps one of the more ironic things about Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban being accused of insider trading is that he bank rolls a website called, which bills itself as “an independent Web-based reporting aimed at exposing securities fraud and corporate chicanery.” On Tuesday, Cuban was back in…

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FBI Dir. Mueller Expresses Concern About al Qaeda’s Broadening Influence

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told a Senate Committee Wednesday that he’s concerned about terrorist plots against the U.S. coming primarily from three sources: core al Qaeda, al Qaeda’s affiliates, and homegrown extremists. “In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, al Qaeda’s plots and plans primarily focused on using…

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