FBI’s John Perren Talks Terrorism, the Internet and the Endless Battle

WASHINGTON – Earlier this month, on the 5th floor of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, in the shadow the nation’s Capitol, John G. Perren, special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Branch, talked to ticklethewire.com editor Allan Lengel about lessons learned since Sept. 11, about the challenges the Internet has posed for terrorism investigations and…

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FBI’s John Perren Talks Terrorism, the Internet and the Endless Battle

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, on the 5th floor of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, in the shadow the nation’s Capitol, John G. Perren, special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Branch, talked to ticklethewire.com editor Allan Lengel about lessons learned since Sept. 11, about the challenges the Internet has posed for terrorism investigations and…

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TSA Wasting $$$$ on Some Security

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The Transportation Security Administration has thrown around gobbs of cash for airport security since Sept. 11, but lawmakers, auditors and national security experts are questioning the wisdom behind some purchases, according to the Washington Post. Reporter Dana Hedgpeth reports that TSA spent about $30 million alone just on devices…

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FBI Says Violent and Property Crimes Dropped Nationwide in First Half of 2010

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Calling the results “encouraging”, the FBI on Monday released preliminary crime stats for the first six months of 2010, saying violent crime nationwide dropped 6.2 percent compared to last year. It also reported that property crimes dipped 2.8 percent. The report explained that violent crimes included murder, forcible rape,…

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U.S. Cable to FBI and CIA Warns Terrorists in Yemen Could Have Easy Access to Radioactive Material

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com As if we need to hear more scary stuff on the terrorism front, here’s the latest. The Guardian newspaper in London reports that a senior Yemen government official warned US diplomats shortly after the “underwear” bomber incident last Christmas in Detroit that the country’s main store of radioactive products was poorly…

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