Rep. Peter King Busts Justice Dept.’s Chops; Claims it Overruled Wishes of Prosecutors and FBI to File Charges in Muslim Charity Case; Justice Dept. Calls Allegations Nonsense

By Allan Lengel Rep. Peter King is busting the chops of the Justice Department, claiming the department overruled fed prosecutors and FBI agents who wanted to file  charges against unindicted co-conspirators  in  a prosecution of a  Texas-based Muslim charity —  the Holy Land Foundation — which had ties to Hamas in Gaza, the Washington…

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Politicians Voice Opposition to the Axing of Justice Unit that Cracked Down on Adult XXX

By Allan Lengel Some conservative politicians — mostly Republicans but some Dems — are beating their chest over pornography. The politicians including Sen. Orin Hatch (R-Utah) signed a letter earlier this month that was sent to Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. complaining about the Justice Department shuttering its Obscenity Prosecution Task Force. The unit…

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Jewish Defense League Schemed to Extort Money from Rapper Tupac Shukur, FBI Documents Reveal

By Allan Lengel The radical Jewish Defense League plotted to extort money from rappers including Tupac Shakur by threatening them, then offering them protection for a fee, recently released FBI records reveal. Others who were targets of the plot included Eric Wright aka “EAZY-E” of Ruthless Records, who who died of AIDS, the FBI…

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