DEA Spokesman David Ausiello Named Assist. Director for Communication at Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys

By Allan Lengel DEA Public Affairs Specialist David Ausiello is making a switch. Ausiello has been named Assistant Director for Communication and Law Enforcement Coordination at the Executive Office for the U.S. Attorneys. “Staying in the DOJ family…but moving up, over, and out,” Ausiello said in an email to members of the media on…

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Justice Department Scorns Puerto Rico Police Dept. — the Nation’s Second Largest

   By Danny Fenster The Justice Department is coming down hard on the Puerto Rico Police Department — the nation’s second largest —  accusing it of  “profound” and “longstanding” civil rights violations and illegal practices, reports the New York Times. The Puerto Rico Police Department is “using force, including deadly force, when no force…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Insists Upper Levels of Justice Dept. Didn’t Know About Fast and Furious

By Allan Lengel Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. is sticking to his guns, insisting “the upper levels of the Justice Department” were unaware of the flawed and controversial ATF gun program “Operation Fast and Furious.” “The notion that somehow or other this reaches into the upper levels of the Justice Department is something that,…

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Republicans Refuse to Confirm Leader for ATF

By David G. Savage Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans have been upset at the management at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which authorized a botched sting operation near the Mexican border that put guns in the hands of drug criminals. But Republican leaders, responding to complaints from gun-rights lobbyists, have…

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