Anti-Muslim Teachings Spread Beyond FBI

Danny Fenster Charges of anti-Muslim teachings have spread beyond FBI training sessions, reports The tech magazine’s national security blog Danger Room has obtained a power point presentation made by an intelligence analyst working for the U.S. Attorney in the Middle District of Pennsylvania warning of a “civilizational jihad” waged in the U.S. by…

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Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith Wants Independent Counsel to Investigate Atty. Gen. Holder; He Denies Any Impropriety

 Allan Lengel The controversy over  ATF’s Operation and Fast and Furious is roaring once again. The latest: Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chair of the House Judiciary, asked President Obama on Tuesday to appoint a special counsel to investigate Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. as to what and when he knew about the operation, the…

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