FEC Orders John Edwards to Repay $2.3 Million in Fed Campaign Funds

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Ex-Sen. John Edwards, a two-time presidential candidate facing federal indictment, got some bad news on Thursday. The Federal Election Commission ruled that Edward’s 2008 campaign must repay $2.3 million in federal campaign funds, the Los Angeles Times reported. The LA Times reported that the FEC audit found the campaign received too…

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Secret Service and FBI Probing Racial Cartoon Faxed to White House and Congress Member

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Some cartoons simply aren’t funny. The Secret Service and FBI are investigating who faxed a racially charged cartoon to the White House and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex),  the Houston Chronicle reported. The cartoon depicted nooses and lynching posts, the paper reported. The headline included a racial epithet and the cartoon…

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