Atty. For Slain Border Agent May Sue Government

By Allan Lengel The family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry may sue the government. Fox News reports that the family attorney Paul Chartlon said: “If the evidence shows Brian’s death was proximately caused by the negligence of the federal government, there may be a cause of action. Guns from ATF’s Operation Fast…

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Could Dept. of Homeland Security Be Buying $300 Mil in Worthless Radiation Detectors?

By Allan Lengel Here’s a case where the intent may be good, but the execution could be costly and worthless. According to the The Washington Post, an unreleased Government Accountability Office report shows that the Department of Homeland Security plans to spend more than $300 million over the next four years on radiation-detection equipment…

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Republicans Want More Documents in ATF’s Fast and Furious: Think Scandal Reaches in Highest Levels of Justice Dept.

By Richard A. Serrano Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON — Believing that the Operation Fast and Furious scandal reaches into the highest levels of the Justice Department, congressional Republicans asked the attorney general’s office to turn over a sweeping trove of emails, documents and other material to determine Washington’s role in the “reckless” operation that allowed…

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