N.M. U.S. Atty. to Hire Prosecutor to Deal With Domestic Violence on Tribal Lands

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Recognizing the ever-disturbing problem of domestic violence on U.S. tribal lands, U.S. Mexico U.S. Attorney Ken Gonzales plans to announce the hiring of a prosecutor to specifically  address the problem, the Associated Press reported. AP said the move is part of a pilot program by the Office of Violence Against Woman…

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If the existential war against terror

If the existential war against terror has to be won, a strict policy of registration and regulation of madaris has to be formulated. According to US based Pakistani academic, Moeed Yousuf, if terrorism is to be defeated, first its source has to be tackled. Secular subjects and humanities must also be introduced in madaris to…

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California “Geezer Bandit” Strikes Again; Has Thousands of Fans Cheering Him On

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com On one Facebook fan page, where the California “Geezer Bandit” has 6,798 people who “like this”, fan Carl Randall wrote on Saturday: “So THIS is what happens when the government freezes Social Security COLA raises!! LOL! YOU GO GEEZER BANDIT!!” Fan Ronnie Israel wrote: “Geezer has the FBI going around in…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Gets Grief in the Heartland; Protesters Interrupt Speech

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  gets his fair share of grief inside the Beltway, particularly from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But some of that grief on Friday came from elsewhere: the heartland. Minnesota Public Radio reported that Holder’s speech in Minneapolis at a conference on preventing youth violence…

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Fed Prosecutors: Barefoot Bandit Should Turn Over Any Profits from Book or Movie to Government

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Federal prosecutors feel the infamous “Barefoot Bandit” Colton Harris-Moore who went on a crime spree that included stealing airplanes,  shouldn’t make money off his wild story. In papers filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle, federal prosecutors said  the government should get all proceeds made from books or movies, SeattlePI.com reported….

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