Ex-House Staff Member Convicted of Taking Bribe: Trip to Game One of 2003 World Series

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON – Game One of the 2003 World Series at Yankee Stadium; All expense paid trip. Priceless? Only when you don’t get caught. Fraser C. Verrusio, 41, a former staff member for Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), who was then-chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee,  was convicted Thursday after a…

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FBI Director Mueller Says Cyber-Crimes Making it Easier to Steal Intelligence and Cash

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III emphasized Thursday that the cyberworld has dramatically changed the landscape when it comes to theft of intelligence and money. “You have probes and capabilities of intruding into networks..that previously you had to recruit somebody inside to obtain, which makes it much easier for…

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Odds Stacking Up Against Justice Dept. Making Case Against WikiLeaks Founder

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — If Las Vegas were to place odds on all this, it would appear increasingly that the odds would be against the Justice Department building a solid espionage case against the ever-controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The Wall Street Journal’s Evan Perez and Julian Barnes, citing officials familiar with the…

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Ex-Fed Prosecutor Mark Hulkower Who Convicted CIA Agent Aldrich Ames Dies at age 53

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A former Washington area federal prosecutor who helped put away some key spies including CIA double-agent Aldrich Ames, died this past weekend of colon cancer, the Washington Post reported. He was 53. Mark J. Hulkower, 53, worked at the U.S. Attorney’s office in Alexandria, Va.,from 1989 to 1995 and went into…

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