Assassination Plot Was So Clumsy, Officials at First Doubted Iran’s Role

By Joby Warrick and and Thomas Erdbrink The Washington Post The straight-out-of-pulp-fiction plot by alleged Iranian operatives to assassinate a Saudi diplomat in Washington was so badly bungled that investigators initially were skeptical that Iran’s government was behind it, U.S. officials said Wednesday. Officials laying out the details of the case owned up to their…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Holds Up Underwear Bomber Case As a Positive Example of Prosecuting Terrorism in Civilian Courts

By Allan Lengel Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. took the opportunity  following the guilty plea Wednesday morning of  the “Underwear Bomber” to hold the case up as another example of the success the Justice Department has had prosecuting terrorism cases in civilian courts. “Contrary to what some have claimed, today’s plea removes any doubt…

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