FBI Arrests NYPD Cop For Abusing Position

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Nobody f–ks with Admir Kacamakovic’s cousin’s place. That’s what Kacamakovic, a seven year veteran of the New York Police Department, told a patron of his cousin’s Brooklyn bar in the 62nd Police Precinct, according to the New York Post. On duty and donning a full uniform, Kacamakovic assaulted, pepper sprayed, handcuffed and…

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Congressman Says Obama Admin. Officials Responsible For “Fast and Furious” Might Be Accessories to Murder

By Matthew Boyle The Daily Caller Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona told The Daily Caller on Wednesday that Obama administration officials responsible for Operation Fast and Furious might be accessories to murder. “We’re talking about consequences of criminal activity, where we actually allowed guns to walk into the hands of criminals, where our livelihoods…

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